Friday 9 November 2012

Prezi - delayed!

I'm not at my desk today and so can't get access to firefox, so at the moment I can't do much with Prezi as most of the applications we have used in 12 things seem to have a bit of a wobble if I'm on IE. Oh well, I'll have a look next week when I'm back at my desk. Still full of ideas about how to use Slideshare with our library Twitter account. So glad I took a look at this :-)

My Slideshare presentation

Slideshare - really easy to use!

Hi again,

I just signed up for Slideshare and uploaded my first presentation. It was so easy and straightforward.

I can immediately see how useful this could be in a library context. I could share training presentations on our library website and on our twitter account.

I'm really impressed with this and will be using it again in the future.

I'm now off to explore Prezi. I've looked at this before and, to be honest, not been terribly impressed, but that's partly because I have problems with the site when I'm at work, and also because I have been subjected to a few Prezi presentations that left me feeling sea sick, so I'm hoping it was just poor design on the part of the presenters.